Очень радостная новость для всех пользователей lockerz.com появилась в новостной ленте!
Happy Monday, members! We know that you are very excited about the January restock--and we are too.
Our members have given us some great suggestions for some very cool new innovations that we will be testing in upcoming redemptions. We will be announcing more in the next few days. Here's what we can tell you right now:
1) It WILL happen in January.
2) It will be a general redemption for everyone.
3) We will NOT raise prices.
4) We have NOT yet released the rules.
5) It WILL be a surprise date and time.
6) All the newest details will appear in the hallway as we release them--stay tuned:-)
В двух словах: Ресток будет в январе, повышения цен не будет. Дата и время будут сюрпризом, так что оставайтесь на линии :)